Thursday, April 21, 2011


So.. I recently found my copy of ...Baby One More Time... and that really got me thinking about how different my life is. lol.

I remember when I was in like 5th grade. Lindsey Lohann had red hair, Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Aaron Carter, The Backstreet Boys and N*SYNC were all I wanted to listen to. I also LOVED Mary Kate and Ashley. I had their dolls, their makeup, their Wal-Mart clothing... Come on, you remember. Hey Arnold!, Ka-Blam, Recess, Doug, All That, Rocco's Modern Life, As told by Ginger, Pepper Ann (she's too cool for seventh grade...), Ren and Stimpy, Rugrats, Angry Beavers, Power Rangers, Real Monsters, Johnny Bravo.... The list goes on and on... I believe that our generation had it the best as far as pop culture goes. The slicked back pony tail with the 2 long bangs in the front, what were we thinking??!! For some reason, though, I just want to go back to that. When you had to shake the pea gravel out of your sketcher's and wipe the dust off of your bell bottom jeans after recess. Those were the days...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

read Read READ!!!

Seems like that's all I've been doing lately! I went to San Diego for spring break... and my my my...was it fantastic. I have come back feeling completely rejuvenated and relaxed. While I was away I got to do some reading! My fave!

I finally got to finish Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller. First of all, THIS BOOK IS SOOOO GOOD. It's ridiculous. It has really made me think about my christian walk, how I treat other people, how I value myself and how all of that is a reflection of God and Jesus. Anyone who knows that I'm a christian will know that Jesus is supposed to be the center of my focus, and if all I can do is beat down myself and others, why would anyone want to sign up to give their life away to that? In his book he talks a lot about the balance between being accepting and understanding, and being totally universalist and Rob Bell-ish (he never actually mentions Rob Bell, but you know what I mean... the 'feel-good' 'christian'). I'm so glad that I took the time to read this. Most of his ideas aren't completely new, but he takes time to spell out why it is we should care so much about them, and how they directly affect those around us. Bell shares the perfect anecdotes, and is completely honest throughout the whole book. (Well, as far as I know anyway, but he never points the finger or puts himself up on a pedestal) I know those of you who have heard of this book probably realize that it is a total 'hipster christian' book, but it's not what you think it is. Just give it a chance.

I've also started reading the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels, by Bryan Lee O'Malley. I've finished Vol.1 and am about 3/4 of the way through Vol.2... They're awesome... duh.

...And I started reading Slaughterhouse Five, by Kurt Vonnegut. The guy with the big beard who works at Atticus (my favorite coffee/tea place...It's on Howard, a couple stores south of Boo Radley's.... GO THERE!!!!) told me that Vonnegut is one of his favorite authors. I'm about 1/3 of the way through and it's SO weird. Vonnegut has such a dark sense of humor, I love it! haha. It's got this crazy Hunter S. Thompson feel to it. So far I've really enjoyed it.

Well.... I have to start and finish some objective/mood boards for my newsletter project so... I better go... it's due tomorrow..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I wasn't going to go this far..

Well, hey there blog readers. I don't know why, but I feel like it's time to unveil some things about myself. Over the years I've wondered why God has put me in my family situation. My father is an alcoholic. Not many people know this, and I don't really like to talk about it. My father has been like this ever since I can remember, but it wasn't until I was in middle school that I realized it wasn't normal.

I vividly remember when I realized my dad had two personalities. One is sober, loving, caring, a best friend, funny, entertaining, care-free, and his name is dad. The other, short-tempered, lazy, inconsiderate, impossible, aggravating, uncaring, insincere, unloving, and most of all, a drunk. I don't have a name for the second person, I wish I didn't have to acknowledge his existence altogether. I feel like God is leading me to share this story so that other people my age, perhaps with parents in my situation, know that they aren't alone. Addiction affects 1 of every 5 families. It's a lot more common than people choose to let on.

Living with an alcoholic parent is such a strange experience. It's something that is hard to explain or relate to if you've never been through it. A parent is supposed to be there and support you 24/7/365. There isn't a schedule, and there aren't supposed to be 'hours of operation' for a family, but that's what I've grown up with. My dad wasn't available past 5 p.m. because wouldn't be 'ok' past then. He had never actually verbalized this, but I always knew what it meant. It meant that he would be too drunk to drive anywhere, or be anything but a selfish, lazy, pile of a person melting his brain in front of the television. He could never pick me up late from a friend's house, and I can never talk to him civilly after I get home from work. He doesn't have the brain power to give information or answer simple questions, and it's useless making plans because I know he won't remember in the morning.

There are stories I could share, but none of that would make any difference. All I'm asking is for some prayer. It seems like it's all I can do to keep my composure around him lately. I can't stand that every night he chooses to swallow whatever it is that's eating him up inside. I know that someone will read this, so whoever you are, I'm begging you to pray. Pray that his heart is softened, that a godly influence will come into his life, that he realizes how much pain he has caused my mother, sister, and me. I beg you to pray for my mom, that she would continue to have the amazing strength to stay married to my father after years of abuse. Most of all, I pray that he would be able to sober up before my sister realizes how messed up he is. It's almost physically painful to me that she'll have to go through the frustration that I have. I would wish this on no one. There isn't one person I can think of that I would want to go through the agony of an alcoholic dad.

Well, now this is up here. All of you will know one of my innermost struggles. Some of you knew this, some of you might be shocked, and some of you might not know me at all. I am more than willing to talk to you. Actually, I would love to talk to you, especially if you have a story similar to mine. I hope that this has been able to help you in some way, and I'd love to pray with you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Headaches and... Heartbreaks?

Heeyyyy... Okay, I've really been slackin'! Soo last time I blogged was right before I left for Leavenworth. WHICH WAS AMAZING!! btw... SOOO much fun. I went with another church, which was even better because I really got to know a lot of people I'd never really put time and effort into knowing before, because this time I didn't have any of my regular group to fall back on. I got to see Darin and Aidan from Shoreline (Both wonderful you gentlemen, if you don't know them) they are from the Berean Bible Church in Shoreline... and I got to see Josh, a friend (also a youth pastor and director of the retreat this year) from Grants Pass, OR.... I got to see Liz!! ( Joe Benjamin's mom), I also got to hang out with Phil! Now, if you don't know who Phil Amundsen (pretty sure that's how you spell his last name) then I feel sorry for you. He is literally one of the coolest people I know. I think he genuinely loves everyone... no, I know, how can this be? you ask... When you talk to Phil he has this way of making you feel like what you're saying matters, no matter what! Oh my goodness. Oh! ...and I got to chill with/get to know the 2 girls from Post Falls, Amy and Mandy a lot. They are just the sweetest. =] AND I got to make new friends! whoah! I met Jen, who helps out with the youth group in Grants Pass, and got to know Allison, a girl from Grants Pass (apparently GP is where it's at?) OMG I love both of them!! I am seriously considering a road trip down there this Summer to see them. There were so many other people I got to catch up with it was crazy.. but SO fun. On top of all the rad people that were there, there were other kids, and they were all awesome too! I didn't get to have a talk with everyone (obviously... but I think i came close lol) but it was awesome to see a bunch of high schoolers ( my piers..really, it was kind of weird being a 'leader' of some people that weren't even a year younger than me) who are truly and genuinely in love with God and what He has to offer. During every talk it was almost dead silent, everyone sang along at worship, and the discussions following every lesson always lasted longer than they had to. It makes me all the more pumped up for summer camp!!

Okay... now for the rest of my life... I have a couple of prayer requests I'm going to post up here.
  1. I've been getting headaches more and more frequently lately. We don't have health insurance so I don't really want to bother with the doctor or even mention it to my mom. She definitely already has enough on her plate. These are usually a migraine status headache, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, dizziness, and I just want to go to bed when I have one. I'm not really sure what triggers them, but I just know I don't want them anymore...
  2. It seems like everyone's heart is breaking at once! I'm not going to name names, but I have at least 5 close friends who are hurting in this area of their life...and all talking to me about it. I'm fine with talking about it, I actually enjoy letting people talk about stuff to me... but it's hard because I don't really know what words to say. So pray for wisdom!
  3. THE QUARTER IS OVER IN 3 WEEEEEEKS. which is really exciting! but also VERY daunting, I still have A TON of stuff to finish before the quarter is over

and omg today mel and I hung out after school. This was bad. very, VERY bad. we went to Target, Huckleberry's, Sushi Mari, AND Twigs. I spent SOOO much money that I don't have today! But I did get some cute stuff, so it's ok. HOLY GUACAMOLE!!! That sushi place is sooooo delicious. mmmmmmm and then we went to Twigs for dessert, which I definitely did NOT need... but it was sooooo good =] Creme Brulee! Overall it was a FANTASTIC evening.
love Sara!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Sorry I missed you guys yesterday.. I was super busy and by the time I got home, I just wanted some sleep. But last night Garrett was SUCH a doll and closed for me =] I was supposed to pack for Winter camp this weekend, but ended up going to Alive, the college group at Life Center instead... It was sooo fun, and I actually took initiative to meet people! and found a birthday buddy for Ryan (you're welcome, Ryan) I will definitely be going back. =]
So now I still have to pack for a trip I'm leaving for at 4! I am the worlds toughest procrastinator. Seriously. I'm also supposed to be Skyping Alexandria. AND I still need to go to our church to pick up a Snake (some music equipment... idk). I'm gonna die! lol Speaking of Alexandria... where is that girl? She was supposed to Skype me 15 minutes ago... sheesh. Oh well, I certainly won't be bored. Oh! and I made a new purchase today... a TEA TUMBLER!! It's this nifty little mug that has a steel strainer on the top so you can just put loose leaf tea in there and you don't have to wait for it to steep or anything. It's incredible... so naturally I had to buy loose leaf tea to go with it... So I went to Atticus and got my favorite one, Sunset in Seattle... MMMMMM! so good. =] Well I'll be at winter camp this weekend so I won't be posting until Monday! Have a fantastic weekend and NO SCHOOL MONDAY!!! WOOT WOOT
P.S. i <3 tea

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hoff Hoss.

I'm aaaaat the Hoff House! It's fuuun! We ate pizza and played pool and shared music... and their dog is soooooo cute! (and big! and fluffy!) Wow... that was a lost of exclamation points. !!! haha.

Today was actually not that bad, especially for only getting 2.5 hours of sleep last night. I was suuuper stressed yesterday, but today things are looking much better. :) I finished that project.. and am finishing another one tonight....and we're starting 2 more... but that's ok. I have to do a picture that's a play on words, so I've decided to draw Sting and Ray Charles and have the title be 'sting ray' ...get it? haha. Oh, and I showed this girl, Sarah, in my art class Nick Swardson. She thought he was hi-larious and we were quoting him allll day so now other kids in class are watching the special tonight so they can join in. haha. ooooook. I'm done! night. <3

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I mustache you a question...

...actually, nah, I'll shave it for later.

Get it?! haha. Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system...Anyway I think I'm going to die. Seriously. this isn't a joke. I have procrastinated a little too much this time. I have to do almost a quarter's worth of tutorials in 3 weeks, I have to finish a giant swatching project for Color and Design, I have to hand draw...yes... hand draw a magazine cover... and make it look good, because I'm a perfectionist, I have to design a full layout for an 8 page restaurant menu... ugh! All while working 5 nights a week... yeah, yeah, I know that this is called the life of a college student, but I'm going to complain, damnit! Okay, sorry about that. I'm done now.

On the flip side, I only had to work until 8 tonight, which was nice. Poor Garrett had to close all by his lonesome. The greatest thing happened tonight, though... We have this regular guy who is...mentally challenged.. you could say... and Garrett is just the sweetest guy to him. Garrett was talking to him about his favorite TV show, what he usually eats for dinner, and how ranch is like the best thing in the world... it was just so cute! lol I think the best part was when I told him that his thoughtfulness was adorable and he started blushing...I could have died laughing. haha. After work I came home and started working on this stupid project and then started txting Josh Herman. I love that guy! He is the youth pastor at a church in Grants Pass, OR and he has a blog too.. Wut Eye Read ... but it's mainly about books... actually that's all it's about, but anyway, he's a super cool guy. I enjoy talking to him because it always ends up just being a bunch of mini arguments about who has better taste in movies and music, he thinks V for Vendetta sucks (one of my favorite movies! ouch!) but I think U2 sucks... and it's just fun to have someone to be ridiculously sarcastic with. so... anyway... I think that's all for today.. not very interesting.

I'm going to Mel's tomorrow! woot!

..aannddd... 3 more days until I'm chillin' at Winter Blast with my homies from summer camp!!!

Peace out, Bean Sprout!

P.S. I'm literally waiting for paint to dry... so don't worry I wasn't wasting time... lol

Monday, February 14, 2011

Good Morning World!

First thing's first, Happy Valentine's day!!

Oh how I LOVE canceled classes on a Monday! Totally the best thing EVER. I woke up at 11:30 this morning, on purpose. That never happens for me! Yesterday I worked on a package for Alexandria and there is so much great stuff in there. She's going to lloovvee it. I went to church yesterday morning and then went to Life Center at 5 for church again. I love doing that, I feel like I almost get sufficient fellowship when I go twice in one day =] Can I just take a moment and say how much I absolutely LOVE Jesus. I think He's the best thing ever. (I was going to write since sliced bread... but that wouldn't make any sense. lol) At my church we've been working our way through Genesis and last week Jim talked about Genesis 2, which talks about marriage and divorce...and then... we talked about that at Life Center last night... which is kind of a weird coincidence. I wonder what exactly I'm supposed to be taking from that. I'm not married or anything so.... what are you insinuating, God?

Soo.... anyway, after 2nd church, we went to Red Robin for Ryan and this other girl, Ashley's birthday and it was soo fun! Last time I hung out with them and didn't have a wingman, it was a little awkward, but this time it was great! I met a bunch of really cool people, this one guy, Phil, had the most amazing mustache I've ever seen in real life. Christian hipsters are just the best haha. After Red Robin we went back to 'The Pad' (Ryan, Aaron, and Nathans house) and watched The Grammys... which brings me to my next subject. Grammys.
  1. Cee Lo Green is a badass.


3. Lady Antebellum deserved one award... maybe... I mean they're good, but not better than all the others they were up against.

4. Just to recap, Mumford and Sons are amazing. My new obsession. Just bought their album on iTunes last night.

ok. so that's probably enough for today. gotta get back to doing nothing!!! woot woot =]

p.s. Ashley and Mel, I really miss you guys! come over soon!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sooper Dooper!

SSOOOOOoooo.... yeah, I didn't blog yesterday, sorry. Well, I guess I did, just not for real. Well, I guess I'll just have to blog double! So yesterday I got to Skype Alexandria! FINALLY!!! Oh my goodness, 5 months is WWAAYY too long for her to be gone! It was so nice to get to talk to her though, and I guess that Skype is the best you can get when she's around 3,000 miles away. We had such a good talk, and when I was skyping her I was in the library and randomly saw Joshie, so he sat down for a while and skyped with us! It was so fun =]

After that.... I went and got my check (yay! money!) and went to work (gross. work.)...anddd after that I went to Jordan Folk's birthday party! It was soo fun. I work with Jordan Folk, Garett Zanol, and Scott Polley (spelling?) and I love those boys. They all told me I should stop by, and Hannah also wanted me to go with her so I did. It was a total blastie. I met some of the coolest people and got to see Jessica! LOVE HER. Oh my gosh. I thought I was going to die of laughter when we started talking in our Brooklyn accents as Beverly and Debra. Ahhh! It was so great. Is it weird that I facebook stalked some of the people I met? no... I didn't think so.

Then there's today. I had to work 10 to 6 so the daylight was pretty much shot. But after work I met Mark for some shopping (not girlie shopping, there was a specific purpose... I'm just not allowed to reveal too much ;] ) So we got our supplies for our project and then came back to my house and listened to music and stuff. Then Cory Crawford came over and we listened to more music and talked some more, then we watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which if you don't know, IS AMAZING. if you don't believe me click here to read a blog that my friend, Josh, wrote about Scott Pilgrim. It sums it up beautifully. Any way. I miss Ashley and Mel... I feel like I haven't talked to them in a long time. Just want you guys to know that...
Hugs and kisses!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Good morning! Today is inspiration Friday!! woot woot.
so.. here are my favorite places for inspiration.

Alex Pardee is an amazing artist. A little dark and twisted? Yeah, you could say that, but his stuff is so fascinating..

More specifically, '100 Abandoned Houses' I love these photographs. I don't know what it is... but something about them just makes me want to see what weird stuff I can find in Spokane to photograph.

149 Sketchbook ideas! Eventually I'd like to do each one of these and post them on here. One every day. nifttttty.

This guy is SO creative! How awesome would it be to keep memories of your family like this?

That is seriously the LONGEST link EVER!!! Anyway, I don't know if I'd call this inspiring, but it is funny... and true.

Yeah... so there are a few things that I enjoyed this week. class is over, so I don't really have time to make this longer. haha...
I GET TO SKYPE ALEXANDRIA TODAY!!! She's been in Costa Rica for...7 weeks now? I think that's about right. aaaahhhhh!!! I'm so excited to see her face!!
Peace out, bean sprout!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A new day.

Well... this is cool. LiBrArY!!! BOOOOYAH!

Why does it seem like I always have a TON to do, but am never doing anything... In theory, I should be really busy. I just finished making a handmade book for my drawing class, I have a hand drawn 10x13 magazine cover due on Tuesday, I have almost a quarter's worth of Dreamweaver and InDesign tutorials to do, I'm working on the design layout for a restaurant menu, I have a job, and a social life (finally! haha).... but here I am, in the library, again. Not doing a thing. ever. This is why I probably won't get a 3.95 this quarter. Facebook is seriously the BIGGEST time sucker of all time. It's pathetic. (ah, the truth comes out...)

Mel and Ashley came over yesterday, as I mentioned earlier... and it was SO FUN. I love both of them so much! Not only do I have 2 great friends, but they are girls too! (I'm excited about this because I usually don't really get along with girls, I have Mel, Ashley, and Hannah... that's it. And it's nice to have a girl to talk to, because no matter how interesting I try to make it seem, no guy is ever interested in how much I hate chipped nails.)

Another neat-o thing I found today, the AOLer Translator... .... you write something and then it translates it into early internet speak. Check it...
"The library is so fun! There are so many books available for learning purposes. What a great place." ...enter that in, and voila!...

...How is that not fun? You know you're going to try it now...

P.S. Josh can lick his elbow!! I found this out yesterday and am so excited about it...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Seeeeriously... Today was really awesome and really sucky all at the same time! I just wish there was a way to make people who you thought were really awesome and fun to be around, but turned out to be dramatic and over analyzing the way you thought they'd be. If that makes sense. I mean come on, I'm over it... and if you're reading this WE'RE FINE WITH FRIENDSHIP... but for real, it was really nice to have other Christians around for a while.

Anyway Mel and Ashley came over after school today and it was really fun!! we ended up sitting in a pile of magazine clippings making collages! Collages for our computers, my inspiration board, whatever... I heart collaging (so not a word. haha). For some reason whenever I'm around Mel I always get reeeeeally hyper. I think we feed off of each other. We made a video. it was pretty much retarded. like us! ha. Hmm what else... Oh! The topper to my awesome day, FREE ARTICHOKE DIP IN THE SUB. Sounds sketchy, right? wrong! It was so delicious. I think that I was technically supposed to donate 10 inches of hair to Locks of Love in order to qualify for this free food, but I don't even have 10 inches of hair... and that's not my fault, they can't discriminate against me, right? Either way I took some and it was amazing. mmm.

Welll it's midnight and I still have to study for a test in my drawing class.. I should probably get on that.
Later Gator!

Monday, February 7, 2011



Today is sooo boring. It seems like I have spent a good 75% of this quarter in the SUB. My schedule is soooo stupid. I have class every morning at 8 AM!!! And that's usually until 930 or 10 (depending on the day) and 9 times out of 10 I have NOTING TO DO until my class at 1:30... So if I spend 3 days of the week like this, then I've spent around 150 hours in the sub this far... I decided that everyone I know should plan a stupid schedule like I have to in order to keep me sane. haha.

On the flip side, the magic card/dungeons and dragons/make-out-on-a-public-couch people aren't here yet. Oh...wait... nevermind... they just walked in. I don't even think they take classes here. I mean, I spend A LOT of time in the sub, but they're ALWAYS here... ALWAYS. No matter what time of day it is... I guess except for a couple of minutes ago. lol
soooo there ya go.
that's my day so far.

*Apparently, HTML doesn't like to make font size smaller... it wasn't supposed to look so crazy...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm back!

Ok, hopefully I won't suck as bad at keeping a blog now.

So...I worked yesterday and there are so many strange things that happen at the Pita Pit..
Some old guy came in and asked my how old I was....he was like 60! I told him... because I'm retarded. AND THEN he proceeded to ask me where I went to school, my last name, AND what hospital I was born in! oh jeeze. Then to top it all off, when I told him my last name he started speaking Celtic. Or at least he said he was... Umm... newsflash, Kyle, just because I have an Irish last name doesn't mean I can speak Celtic. THIS IS AMERICA. If someone's last name was Gonzalez you wouldn't automatically assume they could speak Spanish...? But, anyway, if I end up going missing, or raped, or killed, you'll know it was the creepy pita customer.

Today was Superbowl! yay! ....I'm just going to be honest... I really don't care at all. I did go to a party though, and that was pretty fun. I've recently met a bunch of guys from Life Center through my friend Cory. They are all so fun to talk to! Ryan is the guy I know from school through Cory, and all of his friends/roommates that I've met so far are so fun! There's Kevin, Aaron, and Nathan, at least they are the ones I've gotten to talk to the most. On top of all of that I've become great friends with Ashley Casto, Melanie Hoff, and Josh Hoff. They are all fantastic! It's so strange who comes into your life after high school. I am so thankful for Mel and Ash.

Anyway, hopefully I'll have something interesting to say tomorrow.
Anyone actually going to read this?

P.S. that album is what I was listening to while writing this...