SSOOOOOoooo.... yeah, I didn't blog yesterday, sorry. Well, I guess I did, just not for real. Well, I guess I'll just have to blog double! So yesterday I got to Skype Alexandria! FINALLY!!! Oh my goodness, 5 months is WWAAYY too long for her to be gone! It was so nice to get to talk to her though, and I guess that Skype is the best you can get when she's around 3,000 miles away. We had such a good talk, and when I was skyping her I was in the library and randomly saw Joshie, so he sat down for a while and skyped with us! It was so fun =]
After that.... I went and got my check (yay! money!) and went to work (gross. work.)...anddd after that I went to Jordan Folk's birthday party! It was soo fun. I work with Jordan Folk, Garett Zanol, and Scott Polley (spelling?) and I love those boys. They all told me I should stop by, and Hannah also wanted me to go with her so I did. It was a total blastie. I met some of the coolest people and got to see Jessica! LOVE HER. Oh my gosh. I thought I was going to die of laughter when we started talking in our Brooklyn accents as Beverly and Debra. Ahhh! It was so great. Is it weird that I facebook stalked some of the people I met? no... I didn't think so.
Then there's today. I had to work 10 to 6 so the daylight was pretty much shot. But after work I met Mark for some shopping (not girlie shopping, there was a specific purpose... I'm just not allowed to reveal too much ;] ) So we got our supplies for our project and then came back to my house and listened to music and stuff. Then Cory Crawford came over and we listened to more music and talked some more, then we watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which if you don't know, IS AMAZING. if you don't believe me click here to read a blog that my friend, Josh, wrote about Scott Pilgrim. It sums it up beautifully. Any way. I miss Ashley and Mel... I feel like I haven't talked to them in a long time. Just want you guys to know that...
Hugs and kisses!
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