Seeeeriously... Today was really awesome and really sucky all at the same time! I just wish there was a way to make people who you thought were really awesome and fun to be around, but turned out to be dramatic and over analyzing the way you thought they'd be. If that makes sense. I mean come on, I'm over it... and if you're reading this WE'RE FINE WITH FRIENDSHIP... but for real, it was really nice to have other Christians around for a while.
Anyway Mel and Ashley came over after school today and it was really fun!! we ended up sitting in a pile of magazine clippings making collages! Collages for our computers, my inspiration board, whatever... I heart collaging (so not a word. haha). For some reason whenever I'm around Mel I always get reeeeeally hyper. I think we feed off of each other. We made a video. it was pretty much retarded. like us! ha. Hmm what else... Oh! The topper to my awesome day, FREE ARTICHOKE DIP IN THE SUB. Sounds sketchy, right? wrong! It was so delicious. I think that I was technically supposed to donate 10 inches of hair to Locks of Love in order to qualify for this free food, but I don't even have 10 inches of hair... and that's not my fault, they can't discriminate against me, right? Either way I took some and it was amazing. mmm.
Welll it's midnight and I still have to study for a test in my drawing class.. I should probably get on that.
Later Gator!
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