I remember when I was in like 5th grade. Lindsey Lohann had red hair, Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Aaron Carter, The Backstreet Boys and N*SYNC were all I wanted to listen to. I also LOVED Mary Kate and Ashley. I had their dolls, their makeup, their Wal-Mart clothing... Come on, you remember. Hey Arnold!, Ka-Blam, Recess, Doug, All That, Rocco's Modern Life, As told by Ginger, Pepper Ann (she's too cool for seventh grade...), Ren and Stimpy, Rugrats, Angry Beavers, Power Rangers, Real Monsters, Johnny Bravo.... The list goes on and on... I believe that our generation had it the best as far as pop culture goes. The slicked back pony tail with the 2 long bangs in the front, what were we thinking??!! For some reason, though, I just want to go back to that. When you had to shake the pea gravel out of your sketcher's and wipe the dust off of your bell bottom jeans after recess. Those were the days...

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