So yesterday I watched my sister before and after school, and will do the same today. She is just so cute, and of course, says the darndest things. For example, "Rachel, I'm going to hit you in the wing if you continue this behavior," I said (she was dressed in an angel/fairy/prncess/warrior outfit). She simply responded, "Sissy, don't do that, I won't be able to fly!" Oh man, I love that kid. I only wish she could stay this way forever, but I know that soon enough she'll be worrying about high school drama and where to go to college.... poor Rachel.
And another thing, I would like to submit that nothing beats a good classic movie. I simply adore It Happened One Night! with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert. Paris When it Sizzles, with William Holden and none other than Audrey Hepburn, just can't be beat! They have great story lines, are entertaining, and are generally very witty. It's just something you can't find in movies these days. It's all sex jokes and drinking. Yes, The Hangover was funny, I guess, but it just doesn't measure up to the class and sheer brilliance of almost any move pre-1965. Even now, I'm watching Gone with the Wind, Clark Gable is just such a witty fox in every movie. Anyway, I'll quit rambling...go watch some classic movies...
That last sentence is supposed to go, "Even now, I'm watching Gone with the Wind with Clark Gable, he is just such a witty fox in every movie." Sorry about that retard moment...